News Press: Please sign up for the new BREC Portal available for BREC members only!

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Merchandise Store

BREC Merchandise Store

Welcome to the Broward Republican Party Merchandise Store Buy purchasing from these merchants, you are giving your support to The Broward Republican Party. Each Merchant is a Republican owned business who is donating a portion of these proceeds back to us so that we can support Republican Values and candidates in Broward County. We thank you for showing your generosity by supporting these vendors and buying through the link on this webpage.

The Republican Red

We started Freedom Warriors USA to make being a Patriot fashionable. We saw that no one really had clothing that fit our movement and style. We wanted to make a statement that our clothing did the talking and our energy backed it up. Know as we get bigger we become more involved in our community and standing up against tyranny. We will battle against people attacking our children and we will always fight for the values that made this Country Great.